Monday, October 31, 2011

Sharing our Reformation Heritage in Tongues

On October 30, 2011, Sure Foundation celebrated the Festival of the Lutheran Reformation, but this was no ordinary Festival of the Lutheran Reformation. We sang "A mighty Fortress" in English and Spanish. The first lesson was read in Mandarin, the second lesson in Spanish, and the gospel lesson in Urdu. Even the sermon was preached in two languages at once. (Listen to it now!)

Here are some more Reformation highlights:
  • Nine new people were accepted into membership at Sure Foundation Lutheran Church.
  • Two Mandarin speakers (Daniel and Miriam) and two Spanish speakers (Gisela from Peru and Jenny from Ecuador) were confirmed in their Christian faith for the first time (pictured below).
  • A group of Urdu speakers led by Pastor Manzoor Alam also joined us for the day (pictured below). This group of Urdu speakers is currently studying what the Bible and Lutherans teach. They are looking to join Sure Foundation in the future. Pastor Manzoor Alam has also begun his studies at our PSI program.
We are well on our way to reaching the world with the gospel in their heart-language. Do you know what languages have the most native speakers in the world? You guessed it! The answer is Mandarin, Spanish, English and Urdu in that order. We have members at Sure Foundation who speak all of these languages and want to share the gospel with their friends. With just these languages, we can reach billions of people with the gospel.

May God keep us faithful to his Word and faithful in Gospel proclamation to all nations!


  1. Just to let you know that you and your members are in our thoughts and prayers here in Minnesota.
    What a blessing to be able to reach these special people with the Gospel!
    Wishing you the Lord's special blessings this week and always!
    Your Befriend a Mission Partner
    St John-Fairfax
    Char Nack-LWMS Reporter

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! Keep up the prayers!
