Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Coming down the Mountain

This year’s Labor Day Retreat was another chance for us to enjoy nature and even more importantly renew our spirit in God’s Word and Christian fellowship. Antonia Rodriguez shares her experience. There is a translation below.

“El Pastor Tim me pregunto si podía escribir acerca de mi experiencia durante el pasado fin de semana en el retiro espiritual a las montañas de Massachusetts; pues les diré que este fue mi segundo viaje al retiro y doy gracias a Dios porque pude realizar una inolvidable caminata a la montaña compartiendo salmos, alabanzas y el sermón a cargo del Pastor Gary Kluball, a unos 1640 pies de altura; recordando la grandeza de nuestro Dios el cual nos proporciona todo lo necesario para nuestra existencia aquí en la tierra.

En estos últimos años mi vida ha dado un giro de 190*. Mientras, solo he pedido a Dios me dé la fortaleza y sabiduría para adaptarme a los cambios y convertir los obstáculos en oportunidades; y podría decir con toda certeza, que me he mantenido de pie gracias a su soporte; por lo que me sentí muy honrada al tener la oportunidad de ofrecer un Estudio Bíblico para mujeres sobre el Estrés: Éramos 29 personas, un grupo multicultural y muy participativo, ellas pudieron evaluar su nivel de estrés para luego conocer la procedencia y la cura de este; a través de la Biblia, cuan maravilloso es Dios y sus enseñanzas.”

Pastor Tim asked me if I would write about my experience this past weekend at the Labor Day Retreat in the mountains of Massachusetts. Well, I will tell you that this was my second trip to the retreat and I give thanks to God because I went on an unforgettable walk in the mountains singing psalms, hymns, and listening to a sermon by Pastor Gary Kluball at 1640 feet, remembering the greatness of our God who gave us all that we need for our time in the earth.

In these last years my life has turned around 180 degrees. Through it all, I have asked God to give me strength and wisdom to change myself and let the obstacles become opportunities. I can say with all certainty that I have kept going with God’s help. I also felt very honored to give a Bible study for women about stress. There were 29 people, a very multicultural group that was willing to participate. The women were able to evaluate their level of stress, discuss where it comes from, and also find the cure to the stress through the Bible. God’s teachings are truly marvelous.


  1. My family and I went to those retreats between 1983 and 1992. I really miss them.
